Solidarity Call from Havle Women’s Association: ‘We Will Continue Our Struggle Where No One is Dictated to a Truth’
Civil Pages Haber Kadın Kadınlara Yönelik Şiddetle Mücadelede Feminist Sosyal Çalışma ve Hukuki Destek El Kitabı Yayında! Sivil Sayfalar 02 Ocak 2025 Kadına yönelik şiddetle mücadele alanında 1990 yılından bu yana biriktirdiğimiz bilgi ve deneyimler doğrultusunda hazırlanan bu kitap, uzun yıllardır kadınlarla dayanışma içinde çalışarak edindiğimiz ihtiyaçların bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıktı. Kadınlardan, hukuki destek ve sosyal çalışmanın feminist sosyal çalışma bilgisine ve yöntemlerine hakim olmadığında ne kadar zorlayıcı olduğunu dinledik. Bu çerçevede, feminist sosyal destek yöntemiyle […]
Civil Pages Civil Pages Headline What Does the Civil Society Needs and Motivation Survey Say? Sivil Sayfalar 21 Aralık 2022 Revealing the political, economic and social reasons affecting Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) is important for different target groups, including policy makers at national level, researchers, beneficiaries, donors and NGO workers. Because each of these groups has different perspectives on the political and social effectiveness of NGOs.
Civil Pages Civil Pages Headline Motivated But Introverted: Civil Society İlkan Dalkuç 15 Aralık 2022 The area covered by the ‘state’ in Turkey has been above its counterparts since the Ottoman Empire. Political, intellectual debates were not about the debate itself, about ideals, about differences of opinion. On the contrary, the focus was the state and the aim of saving the state.
Civil Pages Civil Pages Headline ‘People Who can Endure the Psychological Conditions of the Country can Participate in Civil Society Activities’ Sivil Sayfalar 14 Aralık 2022 As the Civil Society and Media Studies Association, we have announced the ‘Future of Civil Society’ report, which comprehensively evaluates the current situation of non-governmental organizations (NGOs). With this report, we aimed to identify problems, develop capacity, increase influence, raise awareness, and present a future perspective with solutions. Daktilo1984 team talked about the Future of Civil Society report with Researcher Nezih Onur Kuru, who contributed to the project.
Civil Pages Civil Pages Headline ‘There Is Pressure, Yes, But There Are Also “Leaks”’ Sivil Sayfalar 07 Kasım 2022 Rümeysa Çamdereli from Havle Women’s Association about the results of the ‘Future of Civil Society: Civil Society Needs and Motivation Research’ conducted by the Civil Society and Media Studies Association.
Civil Pages Civil Pages Headline ‘The Relationship of Civil Society with Politics and Decision Mechanism’ by YADA Foundation Civil Society and Politics Do Not Know Each Other Enough Sivil Sayfalar 10 Ekim 2022 YADA Foundation’s Civil Society-Political Relations research emphasizes that politics and civil society do not know each other well enough and points out that politics tends to see civil society only as the demanding party. One of the findings of the research is that the shrinkage in the field of politics reduces social impact.
Civil Pages State of Emergency Commission in Its 5th Year Kadri İnce 08 Temmuz 2022 After the first mistake (mass expulsions) at the beginning, an independent and impartial commission that actually creates solutions, not just for show, can be a remedy in order not to carry the rights violations to a greater extent. So, was the State of Emergency Commission able to achieve this?
Civil Pages Civil Pages Headline Women’s Participation in Politics in Turkey: Obstacles and Struggle Methods Bengi Cengiz 08 Temmuz 2022 Politics as a public activity is seen as ‘men’s job’. Thus, the result is that women cannot have power even when they have authority. The fact that politics is seen as a ‘men’s club’ also paves the way for the reproduction of the old-boy network, which are especially dominant in local politics.
Civil Pages Observations on the Course of Economy Caner Gerek 04 Temmuz 2022 The relationship between interest, inflation and exchange rate seems to be the main factor that will determine our course in 2022, but not only internal problems are a problem anymore, and the outside is not the same as it used to be.
Civil Pages Civil Pages Headline Struggle for Animal Rights in Turkey Conditions Hayvanlara Adalet Derneği 04 Temmuz 2022 There is exploitation wherever we turn our heads, but we still have not been able to convince a significant part of the society about the right to life of cats and dogs. That is why we do not have the luxury of stopping and despairing. In the environment we live in, wherever you feel, on whatever subject, animals are going through something worse.
Civil Pages Civil Pages Headline Democratic Functioning in NGOs Sivil Sayfalar 04 Temmuz 2022 Despite the current problems, the democratic functioning in NGOs is much better compared to previous periods. It is stated that the acceleration of recovery has increased with the effect of new generations, especially with the Generation Z.
Civil Pages Civil Pages Headline Dialogue and Cooperation in the Civil Sphere Sivil Sayfalar 04 Temmuz 2022 While the representatives of civil society agree that dialogue and cooperation in the civil sphere is not sufficient, it is noted that organizations in the field of women and ecology carry out more effective practices in this sense.
Civil Pages Turkey Publishers Association: Number of Books Printed Yet Not Distributed Is 5 Million 222 thousand 155
Civil Pages Sasalı Climate Sensitive Agricultural Education and Research Institute Is Being Established
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