İHOP Issues Report on Violations of Academic Freedoms After the State of Emergency
22 Şubat 2021
The Human Rights School (İHOP) had documented violations of academic rights during the state of emergency with the reports titled "Analysis of Academic Freedoms in Turkey under the State of Emergency" covering the period June-December 2018, and "Human Rights Scholars under the State of emergency" published in December 2019.
Later on, an online “Academic Rights Violations Monitoring Platform” was developed by the Human Rights School to monitor academic rights violations and follow up on the data collected in these initial reports. As a result, “Report on Violations of Academic Freedoms After the State of Emergency” has been drafted on the basis of data from the said monitoring platform, as well as the results of in-depth interviews with academics and researchers suffering rights violations as covered in the national media.
İHOP: OHAL Sonrası Akademik Özgürlük İhlallerini İzleme Raporu
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