Campaign for Health Worker Women from Mor Dayanışma

Mor Dayanışma has launched a campaign on social media with the title of Mor Pazartesi to build solidarity among healthcare professional women and make their problems and demands visible. Women participating in the campaign expressed their demands for emergency testing and protective equipment for healthcare professionals.

Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to affect more people day by day. Health workers, who are at the forefront of combating the epidemic, are the ones most affected by this virus. The most important reason for this is that they see patients more and undertake their treatment. Women participating in the Mor Dayanışma campaign also warn about the need of protective equipment and emergency testing.

Tuğçe Özçelik, one of the women participating in the campaign says: “Healthcare professionals are neither heroes nor angels! They are human like us and don’t have supernatural powers. We demand that all healthcare workers be provided with emergency testing and protective equipment.”

To access all the posts related to the campaign, you can check the #MorPazartesi hashtag on Twitter.

Healthcare Professionals in Italy and China Affected By The Virus

According to the Italian National Health Institute, the number of health workers infected with Coronavirus is 6 thousand 414. In China, 1716 health workers were affected by the virus.