“We Work With People Close To Those Exposed To Coronavirus’’

We talked to the Chairman of the EMDR Trauma Healing Group Committee Şenel Kahraman about the committee's work and their contribution to the pandemic process who states that they have an aim to empower local therapists. Kahraman says that during the pandemic process they will offer "online therapy" support to people who have been infected by coronavirus as well as to the relatives of those who passed away, to the health and municipal staff, and to security forces while stating that EMDR is the most effective method of intervention in healing trauma.
From what motivation did the EMDR Trauma Healing Group Committee has emerged? We would like to hear about the founding process.
EMDR HAP had started in 1995 around the world with the intervention of EMDR members after the terrorist attack in the USA. This intervention has a special place in EMDR history. Because it seems that EMDR is an effective treatment method after traumatic events. We’ve met EMDR after the 1999 Marmara earthquake. Expert Clinical Psychologist Emre Konuk, who was at that time the head of the Turkish Psychological Association’s Istanbul branch, invited EMDR HAP to our country. 309 mental health workers received EMDR training and worked with 1500 earthquake victims. Thus, the foundations of our group were laid. Our old name was EMDR HAP. Over time, we have followed the trends in the world and changed our name, and now we use the name EMDR Trauma Healing Group and we run the Humanitarian Aid Programs of EMDR Association.
There is a tradition coming from the founder of EMDR, Doctor Francine Shapiro and that is our treatment approach being based on human happiness. We believe that people have the right to be happy no matter what they go through and that it is possible. So volunteering is normal for people who have received EMDR training.
What has the group been doing or did so far? Who are among the target group?
We worked after almost every traumatic event since 1999 Marmara Earthquake. After an incident, we decide how to work with which group. As we work in events that affect large masses, we also intervene in individual traumatic situations such as harassment, rape and abuse. However, we mostly focus on mass influences. For example, in the coronavirus pandemic, we work with those who have direct contacts with the coronavirus.
You have stated on your website that you want to contribute to specialization processes of Local Therapists. Why is “locality” so important in this sense and what advantages does locality has?
Our goal is to strengthen local resources as much as possible. Local therapists will always stay in their region. We work at local regions for a certain period of time but we come back. Some traumatic events last for years. The more professionally therapists of that area get stronger, the more they can support.
What distinguishes EMDR from other therapy aspects? We see that it is used more widely especially among disaster situations. In this sense, we would like to know about the differences.
There is trauma in the midst of the theories and practices of EMDR. We think that there is a traumatic story or stories in the occurrence of any problem. We know that one cannot function without getting over these traumas. This aspect of EMDR differs as it has a functional methodology on events such as like now. We intervene directly. There are many approaches aiming at recovery after trauma in the world. EMDR has always remained alive since it has focused on scientific research and continuous development. The application of EMDR does not impose an additional burden on the client. There is no homework, no exercises that the client should do specifically. It has protocols developed for recent traumas. Therefore, the therapist who applies EMDR works comfortably. This is very important, because we work with people who have experienced very tragic events. If you do not have a suitable method, you will have difficulties.
“We Will Face Real Destruction After The Corona Outbreak Is Over”
There is a state of vigilance all over the world after the coronavirus outbreak. And many psychologists / psychiatrists warn against any trauma that may occur. Frankly, I am also curious as an individual. What awaits us? Or what are the current trauma symptoms?
Currently, everyone reacts normally to an extraordinary situation. In other words, symptoms such as anxiety and nervousness are extremely normal, healthy and necessary reactions. We need to change our habits and the order of our lives before the coronavirus. Harder times await those who cannot adapt to this. This has not only affected our senses of security, but also our family relationships, our business life, our social life and all areas of our lives. As we have adapted to all kinds of events throughout the history of humanity, we will adapt to this and get rid of it. After the corona epidemic is over, we will face real destruction. Perhaps many workplaces will be closed and an army of unemployed will appear. As in history, institutions will be formed again and new sectors will emerge. Until that moment, those who can make other plans instead of their previous dreams and plans will become advantageous.
If anyone is unable to adapt to the current conditions and cannot bring solutions to their current situation, they should get support. The purpose of anxiety is to be careful. It is currently required. But if someone is afraid, there is a problem. It is normal for us to change clothes and wash our hands when coming in from the outside, but if we clean the house with bleach five times a day, there is a problem.
You probably have a lot to do in this period. What needs to be done? What does your formation do to overcome the disaster crisis?
We, as the EMDR Trauma Improvement Group, fulfill the responsibility of the EMDR Association. We created our humanitarian aid program. We thought the most suitable platform for these days is “online EMDR” and we organized accordingly. As the target audience, we have identified people who have direct contact with the coronavirus. We try to explain and introduce ourselves as much as possible. People who support us will announce to their environment, so we will be reaching to those who are really in need.
Are there any institutions you cooperate with in this process? If yes, what are the advantages or disadvantages?
We are constantly in contact with the institutions that are directly related to coronavirus. We declare to them that we will contribute to their support systems. The institutions directly related to this issue know about us. We are experiencing an event where the whole country is affected. We know that we need to use many channels to reach every corner of the country. We are currently trying to reach those affected by the virus through media organs and social media. We traditionally adapt to every institution and organization easily. Depending on the situation, we explore new ways to reach people. So far, we have not made an agreement with any public institutions. We are already experiencing such a situation that everyone faces a new situation and is trying to both work and develop their own system. There have been institutions that asked for our support. We gave them our support. We know that we can get out of this with a culture of “us” instead of “I”. Let’s hope for the best that life would bring the most convenient situations for all of us. We are trying to make this easier.
People who have direct contact with the coronavirus contact us via the WhatsApp hotline (0541 460 53 90) or via e-mail (emdrhapdestek@gmail.com). We send them a form. They fill out this form. According to the information on the form, they are directed to an EMDR practitioner specialist. They determine the time for an online meeting. Coronavirus patients, their relatives, relatives of those who lost their lives with this virus, and those who work directly with coronavirus patients such as health, municipality and security forces can reach us by choosing one of these two ways of communication.
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