İstanbul Peace Rally Was Held in Bakırköy
14 Eylül 2018

September 1 World Peace Day rally was held in Bakırköy in Istanbul. Human Rights Foundation, Head of Istanbul Office Gülseren Yoleri read the joint statement in Turkish, Head of DBP Istanbul Bilal Basutçu read it in Kurdish.
Some highlights from the statement:
“It is possible to live together in peace regardless of language, religion, color, race or nation. The culture of war, killing or getting killed is not destiny. Establishing a free and humane world is in our hands. It is our right to demand such world. Because we are millions and billions, and we are all over the world. We are the workers and producers of richness in the world. The earth is our home, but we do not manage it. A handful of exploiters and their power manage the world. We do not want wars, but we are the ones that die because of them. We say once more that if workers, women, the exploited all over the world unite their power and action, what is possible will be actual in the end.”
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