IDEMA, LIFE Projesi İçin Girişimcilik Eğitmeni ve Tercüman Arıyor

Pozisyon Kapsamı: ​Gıda Girişimciliğiyle Yenilikçi Geçim Kaynakları-LIFE projemizde gıda sektörüne ilgi duyan farklı kültürdeki gruplara, gıda girişimciliği eğitim içeriği sunmaktayız.

Proje programında teorik sınıf dersleri , test mutfağı, saha ziyaretleri, çalışma grupları ve atölyeler yer almaktadır. Proje tercümanın katılımcılara ve proje ekibine iletişimde hem sözlü hem yazılı rehberlik ederek proje süreçlerinde yer alması beklenmektedir.

Projemizde görevlendirmek üzere;

  • Tercihen gıda/ gıda girişimciliği/ girişimcilik literatürüne hakim​,
  • Yazılı ve sözlü (ardıl ve simultane) çeviride en az 1-2 yıl deneyimli,
  • İyi derecede Arapça, Türkçe ve İngilizce dillerini kullanabilen
  • Saha ziyaretleri, pratik ve teorik eğitimlerinde proje ekibini destekleyebilecek
  • Çok kültürlü çalışma ortamına ve takım çalışmasına yatkın
  • Organizasyon ve çoklu yönetim- uygulama becerisine sahip
  • Proje raporlama süreçlerinde görev alabilecek Proje Tercümanı arayışımız bulunmaktadır.

Adayların yasal olarak Türkiye’de oturma iznine sahip olması ZORUNLU’dur.

Başvurularınızı ​​ adresine Proje Tercümanı Başvurusu/ İsimsoyisim başlığında yönlendirmeniz rica olunur.

Position Coverage:​We offer food entrepreneurship training content to different cultural
groups interested in the food sector in our LIFE – Innovative Livelihoods with Food
Entrepreneurship project. The project program includes theoretical classes, test kitchen,
field visits and workshops.
The project interpreter is expected to take part in the project processes by both oral and
written guidance in communication with the participants and the project team.
To be assigned to our project, we are looking for a project interpreter who,
● has preferably comprehensive knowledge of food/food entrepreneurship/
entrepreneurship literature,
● has at least 1-2 years’ experience in written and oral translation (consecutive and

● has good command of Arabic, Turkish and English,
● can support the project team on site visits, practical and theoretical training,
● is amenable to multicultural working environment and team work,
● has organizational and multiple management-application skills,
● has the ability to work in project reporting processes.
The candidates MUST have a residence permit in Turkey according to the law.
You are kindly requested to direct your applications to under the title of
Project Translator Application / NameSurname.

مشروع LIFE – سبل العیش المبتكرة مع المشاریع الغذائیة. یشمل برنامج المشروع الصفوف النظریة ، ومطبخ الاختبار ،
والزیارات المیدانیة وورش العمل.
من المتوقع أن یشارك مترجم المشروع في عملیات المشروع عن طریق التوجیه الشفهي والكتابي في التواصل مع المشاركین
وفریق المشروع.
نحن نبحث عن مترجم مشروع لكي نخصصه لمشروعنا
• یفضل أن یكون لدیه معرفة شاملة من المواد الغذائیة / المواد الغذائیة ریادة الأعمال / المشاریع الأدب،
• لدیه خبرة لا تقل عن سنة أو سنتین في الترجمة التحریریة والشفویة (متتابعة ومتزامنة) ،
• لدیه قیادة جیدة للغة العربیة والتركیة والإنجلیزیة ،
• یمكن أن تدعم فریق المشروع في الزیارات المیدانیة ، والتدریب العملي والنظري ،
• قابلة لبیئة العمل متعددة الثقافات والعمل الجماعي ،
• لدیه مهارات تنظیمیة وتطبیقات متعددة للإدارة ،
• لدیه القدرة على العمل في عملیات الإبلاغ عن المشروع.
ا للقانون.
یجب أن یكون للمرشحین تصریح عمل في تركیا وفقً
نرجو منكم التكرم لتوجیه التطبیقات ل تحت عنوان تطبیق المترجم مشروع / الإسم.

Job Summary: ​To give entrepreneurship trainings, to carry out the analysis, reporting and
audit processes related to training. To maintain processes of collection and presentation of
sectoral information. Having the infrastructure to share knowledge and experience in the
field of entrepreneurship (legal/ economic processes for the immigrant/ refugee population).
Primary Liabilities:
● To be able to perform time management in your project trainings,
● Participating in the planned meetings in the scope of the project,
● Being sensitive about educations and learning psychology for foreign groups,
● To carry out team works in multicultural environment and to help to protect harmony,
● Acting in parallel within the scope of the project programme and the educational content.
● Dominating the entrepreneurial ecosystem and its legal/ economic processes for the
immigrant/ refugee population in our country.
Flexibility and Being Open to Change: To be able to work with groups in different cultures
under variable situations and conditions.
Communication Skill: ​To be able to perform verbal and written communication skills in
Turkish, English and Arabic languages.
Time management and Planning: ​Adapting to the project schedule and performing content
time management.
Being well in with people: ​Working in harmony with project team and stakeholders.
Keeping the in-team motivation dynamic and creating demand.
Self-improvement:​Researching, reading and sharing in areas where participants can be
guided. Being able to follow innovation and practices and to foresee the opportunities and
Efficient use of resources:​Being conscious about efficient/ effective use of purchased
services and resources related to project budget.
Required Skills
● Being graduated from the relevant departments of universities,
● Being worked as an instructor in entrepreneurship for maximum 2 years,
● Having the reference letter for trainings, work completion certificate,
● Having a full command of Arabic,Turkish and English languages.
● Knowing efficient communication methods and having teamwork skills
● Being able to manage planning and marketing methods
● Having working experiences in a multicultural environment
● Having no obstacle to travel.
Send your application file Entrepreneurship Trainer Application/ Name Surname(CV,
motivation letter) to email: