President of Diyarbakır Chamber of Commerse and Industry Kaya: “Democracy is the Key to Economic Progress”

We interviewed Mehmet Kaya, the new President of Diyarbakır Chamber of Commerse, about the elections and their goals. Mehmet Kaya says he never thinks about going into politics, he wants to do more in civil society.

In your speech before the Election Day, you emphasized the importance of solution process and peace. What is the main idea behind your slogan “We are independent but we take a stand”?

I believe that democracy is the key to economical improvement. If democracy regresses, economy does too. Our aim as the board of Chamber of Commerce and Industry is to provide economic growth in the region. It is true that we are an independent organization, but we take a stand with two fundamental things: peace in the region, in Turkey and in Middle East and economic progress.

When we look at the period after the elections in 7 June, we see that people are trying stay away from politics and that’s understandable. Business people are aware now that unless peace is provided, no matter how we try to achieve economic progress, it won’t be successful.
